During the movie, T'Pol takes some popcorn from Archer's bowl and eats it. This is certainly out of character
for her, as in
"Broken Bow" she explains that Vulcans do not touch their food with their hands. |
During Ensign Mayweather's conversation
with Nora in his old quarters on board the ECS
Horizon, a copy of "Chicago Gangs" can be seen on a
bookshelf in the background. |
This was an homage meant to reference the
TOS episode "A Piece of the Action", in which a book
with a similar title ("Chicago Mobs of the Twenties")
was left on a planet by crewmembers of the USS
Horizon. |
Nicole Forester previously played a dabo
girl (in Julian Bashir's mind) in the
Star Trek: Deep Space
Nine episode
"Distant Voices". |
Before Ensign Mayweather leaves
Enterprise to visit the Horizon, Commander
Tucker gives him a PADD (?) showing all the pictures he
has taken since leaving spacedock. |
However, they do not include pictures of
Archer that Trip took in
"Rogue Planet". |
Also, a picture that the engineer took in
"Strange New World" - of the captain standing in
front of several officers, including T'Pol, while
visiting a planet that would later be named Archer IV ("In
a Mirror, Darkly, Part II") - is seen in this
episode with Archer in a completely different pose and
with no crew members behind him. |
Have we missed a piece of
If so,
send it in!