Phlox: "As
I suspected, it's nothing more than a simple headache." T'Pol: "I was
hoping for something more serious." Phlox: "Oh..." T'Pol: "I've been
coerced into watching tonight's movie." Phlox: "If you're
looking for a medical excuse, I'm afraid you're out of
luck! If it's any consolation I'll be there as well. I
agree this form of entertainment it's rather crude, but it
can often provide an enlightening glimpse into human
behavior." T'Pol: "Don't be
surprised if you see me again, afterwards. I've little
doubt my headache will return."
Mayweather: "Do you
have a minute, Sir?" Archer: "Several,
actually. Please."
T'Pol: "Captain.
I'm reading biosigns on the planet. To quote doctor
Frankenstein: It's alive!"
Mayweather: "Starfleet
really have to think about putting families on starships." Reed: "You must
be joking!" Mayweather: "No
one would ever get homesick." Reed: "Yeah!
Well, they'd better post a psychologist on board, because
I'd need one if my parents were roaming the corridors!"
"You sure everything's
all right?" Mayweather: "Never
better, Sir."
T'Pol: "I
don't understand why humans will feel in frightening
themselves." Archer: "It gets
the heart pumping!" T'Pol: "Cardiovascular
activity would be more efficient." is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with Paramount, CBS Studios, Paramount Pictures, or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK images, trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc. and/or Paramount Pictures. All original content (c) 2025 Trapezoid Media, LLC. - Terms & Conditions