If Klingon transporters operate similar to the Federation's, you need coordinates to beam down. When
they move the colony, they assume that the Klingons will not notice. However, it seems that when the Klingons come back, they would
notice that the coordinates of the newly moved colony are different that the previous beam down coordinates, where the old colony was. |
T'Pol incorrectly refers to the mek'leth as a two-pronged dagger, when it is actually a curved sword with a squared tip,
along with another smaller blade extension near the handle. The dagger she is referring to is a d'k tahg. |
Here, Reed appears to be an expert in Klingon fighting tactics and their strengths and weaknesses. But where did this
knowledge come from? He's never engaged the Klingons in direct person to person combat before. In fact the closest he's been to Klingons was Klaang
"Broken Bow" and the unconcious ones in
"Sleeping Dogs", and they weren't fighting. |
T'Pol manages to hear the Klingons before anyone else, yet in Voyager's "Innocence"
Tuvok said Vulcans don't hear better than anyone else. |
It was explained that the first time that the colonists had tried to fight back, the Klingons
killed five people in the battle, and then killed three more just to make their point. Tessic even repeats that there are eight
bodies buried nearby, of the people killed by the Klingons. However, when the colonists begin their strike against the Klingons,
one Klingon suggests that they kill "another four" in order to make their point. The emphasis he put on the word 'another' implied
that the number four had some significance in the first battle. However, it would have made more sense if he'd said another three,
five, or eight. |
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