Tucker: "You've
got'em outnumbered... nine or ten to one!" Tessic: "You've
never seen a Klingon in battle, have you?"
"Captain, this may surprise
you, but I agree."
Reed: "But
this battle won't be won with firepower. Deception and
surprise can be just as potent as brute force."
Sato: "I
can see your finger tensing on the trigger before you
fire: it's throwing off your aim. I used to make the same
T'Pol: "Klingons
carry disruptors, but they prefer to use bladed weapons in
combat, the two most common being the bat'leth - a curved,
bilateral sword - and the mek'leth - two-pronged dagger.
The bat'leth can decapitate its victim with one stroke,
while the mek'leth is tipically used to slash the throat
or disembowel."
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