Even if Vulcans had scarce contact with the Romulans, it's pretty hard to believe that they wouldn't
recognize their ship design, or train their high-level personnel like T'Pol to be aware of their ship configuration. |
Reed's spacesuit has the ability reseal itself when air starts to leak out, yet 24th century spacesuits can't do that,
resulting in near death for Paris and Kim in Voyager's
"Demon" and Worf having to tie a Borg's severed arm around his leg in
First Contact. |
Enterprise couldn't communicate with the Romulan ship as Hoshi couldn't translate their language. So why couldn't they
try hailing them anyway and seeing if the Romulan crew could translate English? Or Vulcan? Or Denobulan? Or even any of the other languages Hoshi speaks? |
In Season 1's
"Silent Enemy", Archer had Hoshi find out what Reed's favorite food is. It turns out to be pineapple, so a pineapple
birthday cake is made for him. Here however, Archer seems to have no idea that he likes pineapple, has eggs made for him. |
When Archer succeeds in disarming the last components of the mine, he and Reed discover that it has a backup re-arming mechanism.
They also conclude that it took between 10 and 20 seconds for the mine to re-arm, and they use this information to their advantage. Archer cuts Reed free of the
spike, and they take advantage of the 10-20 seconds to get as far away from the mine as possible, before it explodes. However, this doesn't make a lot of sense.
The re-arming mechanism was only triggered after the entire mine was disarmed. This is completely separate from the detonation circuits that Malcom believed were
located in the spike that went through his leg. In order to prevent the mine from re-arming and exploding, Archer had to re-activate the last component of the mine,
leaving the mine armed. As such, there should not have been any 10-20 second delay between the time that they severed the spike and the mine's detonation. With the
mine still armed, it should have detonated the moment the spike was severed.
Have we missed a piece of
If so,
send it in!