"I believe your compassion for all these people has
affected your judgement."
Archer: "My compassion guides my judgement." |
Cutler: "Phlox, as far as your extended family goes,
I'm not interested in becoming wife number four. I just
wanna be your friend."
Phlox: "What do you mean my friend?"
Cutler: "Let's see where it goes." |
"The Captain has committed all our resources to helping
people he didn't even know existed two days ago. Once
again, I'm struck by your species' desire to help others." |
Archer: "I don't think these people are 'bout to steal
T'Pol: "Your experience with lesser civilizations
is limited, Captain. You might be surprised what a
temptation our technology can be." |
"In my experience, Humans lack the... emotional maturity
for interspecies relationships. They tend to be easily
infatuated with things they find new." |
Cutler: "You have... two ex-wives?"
Phlox: "I have three current wives." |
Archer: "Some day, my people are going to come up with
some sort of a doctrine, something that tells us what we
can and can't do out here, should and shouldn't do. But
until somebody tells me that they have drafted that
directive, I'm going to have to remind myself that we
didn't come out here to play god." |
"If I hadn't trusted the Captain to make the right choice,
I'd have been no better than the Vulcan diplomats who held
your species back because they felt you couldn't make
proper decisions on your own." |