Episode Trivia


The embryos are more elaborately stored because humanity is terrified of anything relating to the Eugenics Wars. As for the security procedures, the station isn't expecting to be attacked by anyone since its location is secret. The human sized tubes could be used for animal testing. The embryos are still viable because of some futuristic technology. Archer shares his plan because he figures he has nothing to lose at this point. And finally, the Augments don't take any weapons because they have super strength and don't need them.

When Archer breaks out of the cell and takes out the Augment, (a) why does no one else in the cell except Smike try to escape? Malik was distracted for a few seconds by Smike, so at least 3 people could have gotten out, and even as good as Malik is, I don't see him winning a fight against Smike, Reed and the MACOs, and (b) why does Archer relieve the other augment of his disruptor then turn his back to Malik for several seconds? When he does turn around, shock-horror, there is Malik who promptly disarms him. Maybe he was still fighting the other Augment, but there were no sounds of a fight besides the Malik/Smike one, plus once he got the disruptor he could have held the other Augment hostage if he was still conscious (brotherly love and all... true Malik seems to not care much about that, but Archer doesn't know this) or just turned the disruptor on Malik if the other guy was unconscious.
Why does Archer reveal his secret plan to activate the self destruct? Surely he would have seen at least one James Bond film and thus learned not to reveal your master plan, no matter how unstoppable it may seem. Sure enough, right after telling them about the self destruct, the Augments neutralised it.
When Archer and his team get captured and are lead into the control room, where is all their gear and weapons? None of the Augments are carrying anything. Surely they would have kept all the nifty MACO gear at least, rather than leaving it where they captured them.
When Enterprise is being attacked by the Bird of Prey, Trip yells out something about taking a hit to the starbord (right) nacelle. If you look closely at the previous scene, the only disruptor blast which actually hits Enterprise hits the port (left) nacelle.

Have we missed a piece of trivia? If so, send it in!