Episode Quotes


Shran: A remarkably selfless act. For a Vulcan.
Reed: Aaah! I need all the caffeine I can get!
Reed: What's the situation in Engineering?
Tucker: Bad. The Armory?
Reed: Ffh! Worse.
Archer: So... how did you get picked for this assignment?
Shran: I volunteered.
Shran: I don't like unpaid debts.
Talas: You don't trust me.
Reed: No offense, but when it comes to our weapons' frequencies I wouldn't trust my own mother.
Talas: Is your mother considered a security risk?
Reed: It's... just an expression.
Talas: An odd one. My mother's security clearance is higher than mine.
Shran: Are you saying this was a failure?!
T'Pol: A spectacular one, but yes.
Talas: I'd take this ship into combat myself.
Reed: Even with our primitive weapons?
Talas: It's not the weapon, it's the soldier who wields it.
Shran: We may have helped save your world.
Archer: I guess I'm not familiar with the Andorian concept of help.

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