Episode Trivia


This episode reveals how/when Archer and Trip met.

This episode reveals the meaning of Commander Tucker's nickname "Trip". His father and grandfather are both named Charles Tucker, thus he is Charles Tucker III, (The third, or Triple, shortened to "Trip")
Enterprise becomes the first starship to directly observe a dark matter nebula, something Vulcans say does not exist. TPol says the data collected will cause quite a stir with the Vulcan Science Conciliate.
A.G. Robinson makes the first warp 2 test flight in the NX Alpha and becomes the first man to deploy an escape pod at warp speed.
Starfleet abandons the NX Alpha Project, but Archer, Robinson and Tucker have a better idea and take another test flight without clearance. This test flight succeeds and a little over a year later the program is reinstated.
Archer met Lieutenant Tucker working at with the NX Alpha project. Tucker worked with Captain Jeffries Engineering Team.
Tucker helped solve the problem of the inner mixers on board the ship and the second NX Alpha flight - though not sanctioned nor given clearance succeeded in maintaining warp 2.5.
Duval broke warp 3 in the NX Delta nearly two years later.
Tuckers great grandfathers name was Cyrus.
Trips nickname comes from being the third Charles Tucker...Charles Tucker tripled.
A.G. Robinson dies in a climbing accident on Mt. McKinley in March of 2153.
At T'Pols suggestion the dark matter nebula is named the Robinson Nebula by Archer.

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