Archer: "I wonder...
if this could be Zefram Cochrane. They say he was piloting
a one-man vessel when he disappeared." T'Pol: "How could
he have traveled this far?" Archer: "There
were a lot of rumors after he was lost. One of them said
he was testing some kind of experimental warp ship."
Tucker: "Looks like
they sent the whole kit and caboodle back to the
thirty-first century!" T'Pol: "There's
no evidence to support that." Tucker: "... Well, there's no evidence
to contradict it, either."
Tucker: "The Cap'n
will never believe us. He's gonna have to see this for
T'Pol: "A
Vulcan cruiser. I don't recognize the configuration." Archer: "That's
because it hasn't been built, yet."
"Drop your weapon! I've
never fired one of these before... I'm not sure if it's
set on stun. T'Pol! Cease fire!" Tarah: "It
doesn't have a 'stun' setting."
T'Pol: "Few
Vulcans have ever chosen to mate with another species." Archer: "Worried
about contaminating your genome with a little Human DNA?" T'Pol: "There are
significant biological differences between the species.
It's unlikely we could reproduce."
Mayweather: "We're
more than thirty light-years from the nearest trade route.
I don't see how could he made it out this far." Reed: "Maybe he
got a ride from someone." Tucker: "That's gotta
be a world record for hitch-hiking!" is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with Paramount, CBS Studios, Paramount Pictures, or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK images, trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc. and/or Paramount Pictures. All original content (c) 2025 Trapezoid Media, LLC. - Terms & Conditions