Reed: "Welcome
to the club!"
Reed: "How do those
molecules feel? All in the right place?"
Sato: "I'll let
you know." |
Tucker: "Have you tried
this thing?"
Sato: "I get
motion sickness, remember?" |
Tucker: "Uuh, ladies
Sato: "Have you
ever done this?"
Tucker: "No, but
the Captain has, and Malcolm did it twice, they say
there's nothing to it."
Sato: "Your molecules get pulled apart!"
Tucker: "Then they get put back
together again."
Sato: "Do you know how many molecules
you're made up of?"
Tucker: "... Lots!"
Sato: "All right, how many?"
Tucker: "Uh, uh, a few trillion!"
Sato: "That's a pretty big jigsaw puzzle!
What if some of the pieces get put in the wrong place? You
know, I bet a lot of them look real similar!"
Tucker: "Starfleet said it's safe!
That's good enough for me."
Sato: "OK, OK, but... you go first, and
if you get to Enterprise in one piece I'll be right
behind you!" |
Tucker: "Uh, listen to
the pattern. Three dots... three dashes... three dots.
S.O.S." |
Tucker: "Considering that
I've been back down to the surface, kidnapped, and
released... I've probably had better days." |
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