When Maggie comes down into the bar near the end of the episode and discovers the money T'Mir left,
there is a new $50 bill clearly visible.
When did the Vulcans get time to learn American English so well? If they were going to learn a language
to go with their mission, it probably would have been Russian.
You can clearly see that the Vulcans have salvaged some needed equipment from the their ship and one of the gadgets would probably be
a universal translator.
When coming to the town for the first time, T'Mir and Mestral encounter some men listening to a baseball
game on a car-radio, and considering their enthusiasm it's a live broadcast. This scene occurs end of October 1957, but both the National
and the American League had their last game end of September that year
About the number of miners: T'Pol is telling a 200 year old story, obviously some of the details will be off.
What happened to the crashed Vulcan ship? There's no mention it was removed or anything, even though they
take great pains to talk about how they're eliminating the Vulcan captain's body. Apparently it's still somewhere in Pennsylvania.
Have we missed a piece of
If so,
send it in!
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