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Episode Quotes





Zephram Cochrane: "On this site, a powerful engine will be built, an engine that will some day let us travel a hundred times faster than we can today. Imagine it. Thousands of inhabited planets at our fingertips. And we'll be able to explore those strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilizations. This engine will let us go boldly where no man has gone before."
Dr Phlox: "If you're going to try to embrace new worlds... you must try to embrace new ideas."
Dr Phlox: "There's a chance he'll be conscious within the next ten minutes... just not a very good one."
T'Pol: "Look beyond your provincial attitudes and volatile nature."
: "Volatile? You have no idea how much I'm restraining myself from knocking you on your ass."
[to Trip]
: "Keep your shirt on, lieutenant."
Archer: "You can't be afraid of the wind."
Soval: "Listen to me, you're MAKING A MISTAKE!"
Archer: "When your logic doesn't work you raise your voice? You've been on Earth too long!"
Mayweather: "I heard this platform's been approved for bio-transport."
Reed: "I presume you mean fruits and vegetables."
Mayweather: "I mean Armory Officers and Helmsmen."
Reed: "Don't think I'm quite ready to have my molecules compressed into a data stream!"
Mayweather: "We're just taking a sick man back to his homeworld... why do we need weapons?"
Reed: "Didn't you read the profile report on these Klingons? Apparently, they sharpen their teeth before they go into battle."
Archer: "Four days there, four days back... then she's gone. In the meantime, we're to extend her every courtesy."
Tucker: "I don't know... I'd be more comfortable with Porthos on the Bridge."
T'Pol: "My reason for being here is not espionage. My superiors simply asked me to assist you."
Archer: "Your superior don't think we can flush a toilet without one of you to assist us."
Tucker: "I've heard the women on Draylax have..."
Mayweather: "Three. It's true."
Tucker: "You know that first hand?"
Mayweather: "First hand. Second hand. Third hand."
T'Pol: "You Humans claim to be enlightened, yet you still consume the flesh of animals."
Tucker: "Grandma taught me never judge a species by their eating habits!"
Archer: Human instinct is pretty strong... you can't expect us to change overnight.
T'Pol: [skewers her breadstick with fork] With proper discipline, anything's possible.
Archer: [to Hoshi] "Do you know how to tell him to shut up?"
Hoshi: [to Klaang] "Shut up!"
T'Pol: "A shadow on your sensors won't help you find him. This is a foolish mission."
Archer: "Come with me."
Archer: "I'm not interested in what you think about this mission. So take your Vulcan cynicism and bury it, along with your repressed emotions."
Reed: "One more thing."
Archer: "Ah! Our new weapons!"
Reed: "They're called phase-pistols. They have two settings: stun and kill. It would be best not to confuse them."
T'Pol: "Move us away five kilometers."
Mayweather: "In what direction?"
T'Pol: "Any direction."
Archer: "I'll take that as a thank you!"
Sato: "I don't think they have a word for... thank you."
Archer: "What did he say?"
Sato: "You don't wanna know."

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