
An arctic research team on Earth discovers
debris from an alien vessel, nearly a century old, buried in
a glacier along with the bodies of two cybernetically
enhanced humanoids. Once those beings are thawed for
investigation, they come to life and abduct the scientists
and their transport vessel. |
Regeneration |
ENT Season 2, Episode 23
Mike Sussman & Phyllis Strong
David Livingston
First Aired May 7, 2003
Mission Date Unknown |

BACK TO ENTERPRISE EPISODE GUIDE | Season 2 Episodes: Shockwave Part II, Carbon Creek, Minefield, Dead Stop, A Night in Sickbay, Marauders, The Seventh, The Communicator, Singularity, Vanishing Point, Precious Cargo, The Catwalk, Dawn, Stigma, Cease Fire, Future Tense, Canamar, The Crossing, Judgment, Horizon, The Breach, Cogenitor, Regeneration, First Flight, Bounty, The Expanse
