Science officer's log,
     August 14, 2152.
Enterprise remains on course
     for the trinary system.
     I've transmitted
     a distress call
 but the nearest Vulcan ship
 is more than nine days away.
By the time they arrive, they
may only find debris... if that.
Even if Enterprise makes it
    past the black hole
without being destroyed...
        it seems likely
    the crew won't survive.
/ It's been a long road /
/ Getting from there to here /
/ It's been a long time /
/ But my time is finally near /
/ And I will see my dream
    come alive at last /
    / I will touch the sky /
    / And they're not gonna
    hold me down no more /
    / No, they're not gonna
        change my mind /
    / 'Cause I've got faith
        of the heart /
/ I'm going where my heart
        will take me /
/ I've got faith to believe /
    / I can do anything /
    / I've got strength
        of the soul /
    / No one's gonna bend
        or break me /
    / I can reach any star /
    / I've got faith /
    / I've got, I've got /
    / I've got faith /
    / Faith of the heart. /
    Captioning sponsored by
            and UPN
I'm continuing my analysis
        of the condition
that's stricken the crew.
    But without Dr. Phlox's
        I'm not hopeful
about reversing its effects.
I'm documenting my findings
     that Starfleet
will at least have a record
    of what happened.
The symptoms began not long
    after we set a course
    for the trinary system.
That was nearly two days ago.
You're sure
it's a black hole?
    A class four.
According to the
Vulcan starcharts
your people have surveyed more
than 2,000
        That's correct.
    But none of them were part
    of a trinary star system.
How close can we get?
    The gravitational shear
between the stars is extreme.
We'd have to drop to impulse
    but we should be able
        to approach
        to within
    five million kilometers.
Close enough to get
some nice pictures.
    How long would it take to
    reach the system at impulse?
Two days.
                Set a course.
                If you've got
                some free time
        I'd love it if you take
        a look at my chair.
            The Captain's chair.
Wh-What about it?
            You may have noticed
that I don't sit
in it very much.
            Is there a problem?
    It's uncomfortable.
                When I lean back
        I feel like I'm about
        to slide out of it.
            I have to sort of...
            perch on the edge.
I always assumed it was
the best seat in the house.
                Take a look
                at it for me
I was going to purge
the impulse manifolds.
            The chair first,
            if you don't mind.
Aye, aye, sir.
( door chimes )
                    Come in.
Good morning.
                Good morning.
Am I interrupting?
                No, no. Thinking
                about something.
Today's duty roster.
Lieutenant Reed has
a new security protocol
he'd like
to discuss with you.
        I'll drop by the Armory.
                Anything else?
Chef didn't report for duty
this morning; he's ill.
        Is it serious?
        Dr. Phlox said
    it's a simple virus.
    He should be fine
    after a few days' rest.
Ensign Sato has offered
to take charge of the Mess Hall.
Apparently, she spends some
of her free time in the galley
and is eager for an opportunity
    to cook for the crew.
If it's all right with Chef.
                Let me ask you
                a question.
    I received a manuscript
        from Earth...
a biography of my father.
        I've been asked
        to write the preface.
Would you mind reading it
        when I'm done?
        I'd be happy to.
If I can ever get it finished.
    I've been putting it off
        for weeks.
The next two days should provide
you with ample opportunity.
    It's not that I haven't
        had the time.
They only asked for a page.
How am I supposed to sum up
my father's life in a page?
    It would've been easier
    if they'd asked me
    to write the book.
    Perhaps by focusing
        on one incident
a single event that exemplifies
    your relationship
with your father
you'll be able
to condense your thoughts.
    Logical approach.
            Maybe... you'd like
            to write it for me?
    I'm hardly qualified.
Chef was planning to make
    fried chicken tonight
    with scalloped potatoes
and some of the Minaran spinach
    we picked up on Risa.
The orange spinach?
        He's convinced there's
        a way to make it edible.
Why don't we let him tackle that
    when he gets back?
I have something else in mind.
's one of my grandmother's
The recipe's been passed
down for generations.
        I'll need a translation
        before I can program
        the protein resequencer.
Oh, no. You can resequence
        all the chicken
    and potatoes you want
but I am making this
from scratch.
            Is there something
            I can do for you?
I've got a little headache,
nothing serious.
            Why don't you let
            me have a look?
I was hoping you could
just give me something.
I'm right in the
middle of upgrading
the navigation sensors.
    It would be irresponsible
    to dispense medication
            without examining
            you first.
                    Hmm? Please.
            Any other symptoms?
blurred vision?
How long have you had it?
            A couple of days,
            on and off.
Well, I've been meaning
to have you drop by
Sick Bay in any case.
Hmm? To see if you've
had any problems
since I removed the neural
implants you received
at the repair station.
    You think it could have
something to do with that?
Oh, I never rule out anything.
Then again, it could be as
innocuous as muscular tension.
On the other hand
Terrellian plague
starts out
with a simple headache...
and then all manner of
nasty things begin to happen.
( power tool whirring loudly )
( loud whirring continues )
    T'POL ( louder ):
        Push it forward.
        ( whirring )
That's good. Hold it there.
        ( racket stops )
    Perhaps you could
    finish that later.
This may not be as glamorous
        as a black hole
        but the Captain
    gave me an order.
He also requested detailed
        sensor readings
    of this trinary system.
I thought Vulcans had all this
mental focus and discipline.
We also have sensitive hearing.
( loud whirring resumes )
I'll be in my quarters.
    We'll let you know
        when we're done.
Keep those target discriminators
    We don't want a torpedo
    mistaking one of our own
nacelles for an enemy vessel.
                You asked to
                see me, Malcolm?
I would have come to you,
                It's no problem.
            What's on your mind?
    I've been reviewing our
encounters with hostile species.
The crew's response
has been admirable
but I feel
we can do better, sir.
        And you have a proposal?
I've been thinking about
a shipwide emergency alert.
Something a bit more
comprehensive than
"battle stations."
We're taking far too long
to react to potential threats.
With a single order from you
or an impact to the hull
the plating could be polarized,
weapons brought on-line
critical systems
            I appreciate your
            concern, Malcolm
    but this isn't a warship.
Well, that's obvious, sir.
During our last run-in
with the Suliban
we were... unprepared
for their boarding parties.
When the Mazarites attacked
they disabled our aft sensors
with their first shot.
The list goes on.
                I can see that.
                Run this by the
                senior officers.
        Get some feedback,
        and we'll talk again.
Yes, sir.
                And, Malcolm?
        ( door opens )
Don't call it "battle stations."
    Think of something
        less aggressive.
        How is it?
    Condition Red?
What about "Condition Red"
for the new security protocol?
Why don't you just call it
    "Security Protocol"?
Well, that's not very dynamic.
Do you think a cup holder's
        too much?
    I beg your pardon?
    For the Captain's chair.
He just wanted the seat adjusted
        but I figured...
as long as I'm working on it.
Just what the captain needs
        in a crisis--
        ( chuckling ):
a place to rest his beverage.
    I'm also upgrading
    the status displays.
    He'll be able to access
tactical data from the armrest.
    If you really want
to improve tactical readiness
    why don't you help me
    with this protocol?
I'm a little busy right now,
        It's a chair!
    It's the Captain's chair.
        It's just as important
        as your... Reed Alert.
"Reed Alert"?
That's not bad.
    Enjoying your lunch?
            ( clears throat )
It was, uh, terrific.
    It's called "oden."
        Every Japanese family
        has their own way
        of preparing it.
        Well... it seems
        to be a big hit.
                Thank you.
        Lieutenant, you
        barely touched yours.
Uh, it was lovely.
                I'll get you
                a fresh bowl.
That's not necessary.
                It's no problem.
Not hungry.
    Are you sure there's
    nothing wrong with it?
Well... it was a bit salty.
    Oh, it tastes fine.
Well, it just must be me, then.
Everybody else seems
to be enjoying it.
            How much longer is
            this going to take?
        That depends.
                    On what?
    Hold still, Ensign.
            I have to get
            back to the bridge.
Well, I'm afraid you won't be
    returning to duty today.
        The Captain needs
        those upgrades, Doctor.
        When it comes
    to medical matters
    my authority overrides
        the Captain's.
I'm keeping you overnight
        for observation.
But your scans
didn't show anything!
    That's what concerns me.
Whatever's afflicting you
may be laying dormant.
        I'm going to run
    a full biomolecular scan
    to see if we can find
    where it's hiding.
Now, lie...
    back... and don't move.
        ( sighs )
        ( whirring )
When I was about eight years old
my father took me on a tour
of the Warp Five facility
outside of Bozeman, Montana.
        He introduced me
to the people he worked with
scientists with names like...
    Tasaki and... Cochrane.
At the time, I didn't realize
the significance of those names
or the... the significance of...
    my father's work.
        ( barks )
        Computer, pause.
I'll feed you in a minute.
Computer, resume recording.
            In a way
creating a stable... warp field
        mirrored the...
    the f-flux of emotions
my... father felt when he...
        embarked on...
        Computer, pause.
Delete the last paragraph.
Hell, delete the whole thing.
        ( barking )
        ( door chimes )
            Come in.
Here's your
sensor interface.
What's the emergency?
            This trinary system
            is emitting some
            unusual radiation.
    I'm trying to identify it.
    You dragged me up here
so you could identify radiation?
    You said it was urgent.
    I said it was important.
        I get it.
    You're paying me back
making me jump
through hoops
because I was making
too much noise.
Well, you'll be happy
to know
I moved the Captain's chair
down to engineering.
So, it's nice and quiet
on the bridge now.
    I prefer to work here.
I'll need your assistance
        with this.
Weren't you listening
to me?
I don't have time
to cater to your whims.
You want to get
your name immortalized
    in the Vulcan database
        get someone else
    to help you do it.
Are you feeling all right,
    I know you don't think
    this chair is important
    but you're wrong.
    What's the most critical
    component on this ship?
The main computer?
The warp reactor?
    Uh-uh, it's the crew
and the most important member
of the crew is the Captain.
He makes life-and-death
decisions every day
and the last thing he needs
        to be thinking
in a critical situation is
"Gee, I wishchair wasn't
    such a pain in the ass."
                    When are you
                    going to...?
I have just enough time
to shower and get changed.
            I haven't discharged
            you, Ensign.
Well, I haven't slept
all night
and I'm supposed to go
on duty in 15 minutes.
        I need to perform a
        cerebral micro-section.
            A what?
        Lie down.
        No more tests.
I have to get to the bridge.
        I'm giving you an order.
If I don't finish
those upgrades
I could get a reprimand.
It'll be
in my permanent record.
        You have far more
        to worry about than a
        blemish on your record.
            Do you see there?
    Your cortical scan shows
    elevated levels of serotonin
            and several other
What does that mean?
            I'll let you know
            once I've completed
            the micro-section.
Can't it wait
until after my shift?
                Absolutely not.
If the Captain doesn't think
I can handle my duties
    I'll be scrubbing
plasma conduits on D-Deck
    for the next five years.
I could be court-martialed.
And what if you're carrying
a protocystian spore-- hmm?--
            and you infect the
            rest of the crew?
            How will that
            reflect on you, hmm?
            Or what if you
            suddenly suffer a
            seizure at the helm
    because you've contracted
    Andronesian encephalitis?
        Now, there is something
        wrong with you, Ensign
            and I intend to
            find out what it is.
Not today!
Not during my shift!
Unless you're ready
to tie me to a bio-bed
I'm going back
to my helm.
            At least let me give
            you an analgesic...
        for the headache, hmm?
Well, that's all I wanted
in the first place.
( sighs )
            If it gets any worse
            or you suffer any
            other symptoms...
        return here immediately.
        What did you...?
I've been working
on the new security protocol.
Obviously, the reactor
must be secured immediately
during a Tactical Alert.
            "Tactical Alert"?
I considered your suggestion--
"Reed Alert"--
but, uh, you know,
it seemed a bit narcissistic.
                Hand me that
                would you?
    I've also been working
    on a new alert signal.
    Tell me what you think.
    ( alarm wailing )
        Or this one?!
    ( signal wailing )
        ( signal stops )
Well, which do you prefer?
                    For what?
A Tactical Alert.r
            They both sound like
            a bag full of cats.
    They were designed
    to get your attention.
            I'll look this over
            and get back to you.
    I also need your help
        on an emergency
    shutdown procedure
for the EPS grid.
I said... I'll get back to you.
Fine. Let's hope we don't suffer
a catastrophic reactor breach
in the meantime.
one of your boys borrowed
    my laser micrometer.
            If you're heading
            to the Armory
                could you get
                it back for me?
        Ensign... if we don't
        serve something soon
            we're going to have
            a riot on our hands.
Is this too salty?
Something's not right.
Hand me
the Kreetassan spice.
I'll add it
to the stock.
Oh, I'm out of carrots.
        There are 25 people...
With all due respect
you've been cooking
the same meal
over and over again.
    I believe I'm in charge
        of the galley.
I understand that...
        You're relieved.
    Get out!
            I need your assis...
Clearance code?
            I beg your pardon?
What is
your clearance code?
The Armory is a restricted area.
Even to the First Officer?
        How do I know
you are the First Officer?
We've encountered
that can alter their appearance.
    They could masquerade
    as any one of us.
    I've issued codes
to all senior officers to reveal
if the ship's
been infiltrated by impostors.
            Part of your new
            security protocol?
It was sent
to your console
as a voice-encrypted
command packet.
    I haven't been to the
    bridge for several hours.
            As I was saying,
            I need assistance
    establishing a sensor
    interface in my quarters.
        I've asked Commander
        Tucker, but he became...
It was uncharacteristic,
even for him.
Have you noticed anything
abnormal about his behavior?
    Why do you want to access
            the sensor array...
            from your quarters?
    I was asked to run
    detailed scans
of the trinary star system.
            I wasn't informed.
It isn't a tactical issue.
    why are you armed?
From now on, security personnel
    are to wear side arms
    in all restricted areas.
    Have you cleared this
    with the captain?
    It's in my proposal.
Has he approved your proposal?
    I've been trying to get
    him to pay closer attention
            to security since
            we left space dock
    but he's more interested in
    fraternizing with the crew.
            Inviting them to
            breakfast, and to
            watch water polo.
    I intend to implement
some long-overdue changes
    and if the captain
    won't approve them
    then I'll go directly
    to Starfleet Command.
    Was there anything else?
         It wasn't long
     before I realized
     the odd behavior wasn't
 limited to Commander Tucker.
In fact, everyone I encountered
    was acting strangely
growing consumed with matters
that seemed trivial, at best.
    I also discovered
    that although I appeared
        to be immune
    the captain was not.
What happened
to my chair?
            Did you know that
            this chair is the
            exact same model
        used on Neptune-Class
        survey ships?
        Is that why
    you called me down here?
 Enterprise is the first warp
 five vessel in human history--
    the pride of the fleet--
and you're sitting in a chair
    they've been using
    on warp two ships
            for over a decade.
    You deserve better,
so I'm starting from scratch.
I'm going to build you a throne.
    Stand right there.
            I need to get a few
            parametric scans
            to get your exact
            This baby is going
            to fit like a glove.
        Isn't that used
for aligning phase coils?
    You won't feel a thing.
Long as I'm down here,
maybe I can get your opinion.
                    Don't move.
    "How does one measure
        a man's legacy?
        "Is it defined
"by the works he's created,
the technological advances
that will forever alter
the course of human history?"
                    Turn around.
        ( sighs )
    "If so, then no man
since Zephram Cochrane, himself
        "has made
a more lasting contribution
"to the future
of humankind
than my father,
Dr. Henry Archer."
        All done.
    What do you think?
        Sounds good.
Let me read you the rest.
        I really need
    to get to work on this.
It's just a few
more pages.
                How many more?
Are you writing the preface
        or the book?
    I've got a lot to say.
        No kidding.
            What's that
            supposed to mean?
Well, if I may, sir...
it's a little longwinded.
            You're lucky you're
            a decent engineer
    because you obviously don't
    know anything about writing.
I'm not the only one.
I have 83 people to feed,
not just senior officers.
All I requested was
a bowl of Plomeek broth.
            I don't have time
            for special orders.
            Anyway, you'll
            like this better.
    Where's lunch?
It'll be ready
in one minute, sir.
        I don't have a minute.
If you're so hungry,
fix yourself a sandwich.
        May I speak with you?
                That is a very
                complex recipe.
    I will not serve it
    till it's just right.
My family's reputation
is at stake!
        ( alarm blares )
    REED ( over com ):
This is a Tactical Alert.
    All hands report
    to your stations.
( covers pot )
        I repeat,
this is a Tactical Alert.
    ( alarm blaring )
    The crew's response
    was unacceptable.
38% of them failed
to report to their stations.
Critical systems
haven't been secured.
I haven't even heard
from engineering.
Shut off that damn noise.
Shut it off.
I don't recall authorizing
a tactical drill.
            Well, it wouldn't
            be much of a drill
            if everybody knew
            about it, sir.
One minute
and 15 seconds.
    It took you one minute
        and 15 seconds
    to reach your post.
I'd expect more
of our Commanding Officer
 given that the crew just
 might follow his example.
One minute
and 49 seconds.
        You might want
    to see this, sir.
    Interactive status displays,
    secondary helm control.
        It's even got inertial
            The ship could be
            shaking apart
                and you'd hardly
                feel a thing.
        You ignored a tactical
        alert for this?
    I want to run some colors
    by you for the headrest.
                This is all a
                big joke to you.
            Give it a rest.
            This isn't a bloody
            pleasure cruise.
    Without proper discipline
on this ship,
this mission
is doomed.
        Why don't you go play
        soldier somewhere else?
            If this were a
            military situation
    you'd be taken out and shot.
    Hey, hey, hey, hey...
I don't care what color
the headrest is
or whether it can
serve me iced tea.
I just want a place to sit
when I'm on duty.
    And if I hear that alarm
        one more time
            I may have you
            taken out and shot.
Unless there's
a real emergency--
like a reactor breach--
I don't want to be disturbed.
        ( door chimes )
            Go away.
Do I have to start locking
            my door?
You said to interrupt you
if there was an emergency.
    I believe there is.
                Is that right?
    The crew's behavior
    has become erratic.
    Even by human standards.
They've grown distracted.
Everyone I've encountered
appears to be preoccupied
    with trivial matters.
    Ensign Sato's recipe,
        for example.
        Your preface.
    We should declare
    a medical emergency
and have Dr. Phlox examine
        the crew.
    I suggest he begin
        with you.
        I'm busy.
        Your crew is in danger.
I gave you an order.
    I suggest you follow it...
            or I'll have you
            confined to your
            quarters, until...
        until a Vulcan ship
        can come and get you.
            Oh, you're just in
            time, Sub-Commander.
        There's a surgical gown
        in the compartment
        by the microscope.
    This is a rare opportunity
    to explore the human brain.
        Was he injured?
                Oh, headache.
    At first, I thought it was
    a simple vascular dilation
                but then I
    a chemical imbalance
in his prefrontal cortex.
            I'm going to begin
            by extracting
        the first 12 millimeters
        of his parietal lobe.
    A subcellular analysis
    of the tissue should shed
                some light on
                the mystery.
Doctor, you may want
to delay the procedure.
We have a larger problem.
The entire crew is ill.
        They'll have to wait.
You've been affected,
as well.
        Please remove your hand.
        I won't ask you again.
    I'll let you know
when I've completed the surgery.
        ( moans gently )
     The crew's bio-signs
     were growing erratic.
     I began to doubt
 any of them would survive
     more than a few hours.
    Ironically, Dr. Phlox's
    with Ensign Mayweather's
has provided some useful data.
His cerebral scans have helped
me determine that the radiation
coming from the trinary system
        is causing...
            ( beep )
        Computer, pause.
    Computer, resume log.
    My radiometric analysis
        is complete.
As I suspected, reversing course
won't take us out of danger
        quickly enough.
    The radiation appears
    to extend outward
at least half a light-year
in every direction except one.
    If I can chart a course
    between the stars
we could escape the radiation
before the crew succumbs.
But I won't be able to pilot
        the ship alone.
Captain Archer!
You're needed on the bridge.
I told you not to disturb me.
We have very little time.
            What are you doing?
Your crew may be dying.
Do you remember
that trinary star system?
    The one with the black hole?
It's emitting a dangerous form
        of radiation.
        It's affecting
    your prefrontal cortex.
I believe that's why
you and the crew
have been exhibiting
obsessive behavior.
Some of the crew's bio-signs
are already unstable.
If you're exposed
to the radiation much longer
you won't survive.
    ( Archer groans )
    Do you understand
    what I'm telling you?
        Turn it off.
    Do you understand?
    Yes... Radiation.
            Phlox, if the...
            the crew's sick...
                tell Phlox...
He's been affected as well.
                    But not you?
    Vulcan physiology
    seems to be immune.
                Bring us about.
                ( grunts )
        Turn the ship around.
    ( breathing heavily )
It's not that simple.
If we go back
the way we came
we'll spend two more days
in the radiation field.
        ( groans )
I've charted a course
that'll have us clear
of the radiation
in less than 17 minutes.
        Lousy coffee.
But we'll have to pass
within two million kilometers
of the black hole.
There's considerable debris
and gravitational shear.
Someone needs to pilot
while I determine
the course corrections.
                    ( moans )
He's been sedated.
    I'm in no condition...
    to... fly... a starship.
We have no other choice.
More gravitational shear.
    We're too far to port.
    But you said bearing
        My mistake.
    Twelve... point-four.
        How much longer
    is this going to take?
        Six minutes.
    I'm good for that.
    Another shear front.
        You need to rotate our
        longitudinal axis
        by 12 degrees and bring
        our flight vector
to zero-one-four mark two-seven.
    Hold on, hold on.
        Zero-one-four mark...
Mark two-seven.
            Just minor debris.
    The hull plating is holding.
Our lateral vector
                is drifting.
Hang on a second.
    I feel like I'm in...
    flight school again.
    You're doing well.
        New heading.
        Zero-zero-six mark four.
        I see it.
We need phase-cannons.
                They take too
                long to charge.
    All weapons are on-line.
        It must be part
of the new security protocol.
        ( grunting )
    ( alarm blaring )
    Could you shut that off?
        How much longer?
    Less than ten seconds.
    Five more seconds.
    Any more surprises?
    Nothing on sensors.
        ( groans )
Did we get some nice pictures
    of the black hole?
    How are you feeling?
            I'm a little tired
    but the headache's gone.
    What'd you do?
                Very little...
    You're, uh... free to go.
        How's the crew?
Oh, I'm continuing
to monitor vital signs.
But I've detected no lingering
effects from the radiation.
Mostly just rattled nerves
a few bruises and sprains
    from when some of them
    lost consciousness.
I appreciate
your intervening
uh, before I got
any further
with Mr. Mayweather's
    I wasn't certain it would
    work on a Denobulan.
It worked quite effectively,
I can assure you.
        What procedure
    on Mr. Mayweather?
The radiation affected my
nervous system rather severely.
    ( clears throat )
I'll be with you in a moment.
        I'll provide you
    with a full report
    when I've finished
    treating the crew.
You wanted to see me, Captain?
I did.
When T'Pol and I
were navigating
the debris field
your Tactical Alert
went off.
                I heard, sir.
        I've already deactivated
        the new protocols.
You shouldn't have.
They brought the weapons on-line
right when we needed them.
If you have no objection
I'd like to make it
standard procedure.
            No objection, sir.
            You still need to
            work on that alarm.
I'll get right on it.
                Doesn't look any
                different to me.
Give it a try.
                ( sighs )
        It feels better.
        What did you do?
Cross your legs.
        What did you do?
    Seems totally different.
I lowered it...
by one centimeter.
        ( chuckles )
        That's all?
Didn't have time to install
the new status displays
or the inertial
but, uh... if you give me
a couple of days...
I think this will be fine,
    Commander. Thanks.
How about I just attach
the cup-holder?
        This'll be fine.
    All right.
How does this sound?
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