Episode Quotes


Archer: "You programmed the pad to unlock... every security door in the building."
Arik Soong: "I was particularly proud of that. I made it all the way to Sausalito. On the rare occasion I get stuck on a problem, I find a vigorous escape attempt helps to... clear the head."
Malik: "Wing-mounted disruptor cannons, photon torpedo launchers, this ship's an arsenal!"
Tucker: "It comes with everything but its own protein resequencer. For that I'll need another day."
Archer: "Here we are again. ... Wouldn't have it any other way."
Archer: "Interesting way to say 'Hello'."
Orion Slave Trader: "You are now the property of the Orion Syndicate! Break the rules and you will suffer! Follow the rules and you will suffer less!"

Have we missed a good quote? If so, send it in!