Episode Quotes


Archer: "Too bad we won't be around. It's gonna be one hell of an explosion."
T'Pol: "
Speak for yourself: I might very well be around.
Tucker: "
Can't forget Vulcan longevity, Cap'n. A hundred years from now?.. How old would that make you?"
Cogenitore: "Trip said I have the same rights they do!"
Archer: "
It's not our place to tell you what rights you have. I'm sorry."
Tucker: "I'm pretty familiar with how it works with two sexes, but!"
Phlox: "
Multi-gender techniques aren't always the same, but in this case I imagine the cogenitor provides an enzyme which facilitates conception.
Tucker: "
What do you mean provides?
Phlox: "
Well, first the female has to..."
Tucker: "
No, no, no, no, don't tell me! I don't think I wanna know!"
Phlox: "
Oh, well! Hm... I have pictures!"
Tucker: "
I... I think I'll pass!"
Archer: "If you can't get over a wave, you got to dive through it!"

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