Episode Quotes


T'Pol: "It's difficult enough having to smell all this, eating it is out of the question."
Reed: "Make any friends?"
Tucker: "Ah'Len. One of their engineers. She's the one who showed me the holographic chamber."
Reed: "Is she the one you thanked for taking care of you?"
Tucker: "Yeah."
Reed: "Interesting scales."
Tucker: "She did have a certain sensuality to her."
Reed: "So. Did you get a look at their weapons?"
Trena'L: "I hope your mission hasn't been overly delayed."
Archer: "Getting a chance to meet other species is our mission."
Phlox: "This is a nipple."
Tucker: "I beg your pardon?"
Tucker: "What the hell are you talking about?!"
Phlox: "I'm... not quite sure if... congratulations are in order, Commander, but... you are pregnant."
Phlox: "That nipple may not be the only surprise your body has in store for you."
T'Pol: "Three days. You were only there for three days and you couldn't restrain yourself."
Tucker: "I'm telling you, Cap'n, I was a complete gentleman the entire time!"
Archer: "I imagine that's a question of how you define gentlemen."
T'Pol: "This engineer wanted you to see her planet."
Tucker: "So?"
T'Pol: "Perhaps the next step would have been to meet her holographic parents."
Tucker: "I'm a Chief Engineer! I've spent years earning that position! I never had any intention of becoming a working mother!"
Mayweather: "Why are they attacking us?!"
T'Pol: "They're not. If they wanted to destroy the Enterprise, they would have done it."
Archer: "So I guess that's their version of a... warning shot across our bow."
Reed: "I don't recommend being the recipient of another warning like that, Sir!"
Archer: "How has is it been but the Klingon chancellor call me a brother? Is that true?"
T'Pol: "Klingons are known to exaggerate. I saw not that I did wrong doing the same."
T'Pol: "I have run a check through the Starfleet database. You might be pleased to know that this is the first recorded incident of a Human male becoming pregnant."
Trip: "Just how I always wanted to get into history books!"
Archer: "I'd like you to start seeing the doctor every 8 hours. As your delivery date gets closer, he should be able to start figuring out what your post-natal responsibilities might be."
Trip: “Post-natal responsibilities?”
Phlox: "You could very well be putting those nipples to work before you know it."
Archer: "There's a bright side to all this."
Trip: "Yeah, what's that?"
Archer: "As far as we know this is the first interspecies pregnancy involving a…human..."
T'Pol: "One of the first things a diplomat learns is not to stick his fingers where they don't belong."

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